Shopify features and tools
Customizable Landing Page with a Changeable Section - NO App or Subscription

Customizable Landing Page with a Changeable Section - NO App or Subscription

Updated on:

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Create a Landing Page that has no header or footer with several options of sections to use, not blocks, that can be customize and rearrange. The homepage replacement will have a changeable sections. 

Note: The alternate page will show some code when customizing but disregard. It should disappear once you click save. 

Shopify does not allow a nested section or having a section inside a section. The code is merely replacing the existing section. Warnings should be gone once section is SAVE, it means replacement is successful. 

To start:

1. Home > Online Store > Themes > (Choose the theme to edit) > Actions > Edit code
2. Go to Section folder and create a new section, call it custom-section. Paste the code below, then click SAVE

3. Go to Template folder, click "add a new template"
Create a new template for = page
Template type = liquid
File name = alternate-home
4. Replace the code with the code below.

5. Go to Layout folder and add a new layout > Create a layout from =  theme, and call it "alternate-home". It should appear as theme.alternate-home.liquid
6. Go to Layout folder and click theme.liquid
7. Delete the {% section 'header' %} and {% section 'footer' %}
8. Go to Template folder and add the code below at the very top to all templates in the folder, except index.liquid, password.liquid, search.lquid

9. Publish your theme before proceeding. (You will not see the page template as an option if theme is not published)
10. Go to your Online store > Pages > Add page > Name it as Alternate Home, then change the theme template as a alternate-home
10. Go to your Online store > Navigation > Main menu > next to home, click edit. Change the link to Pages > alternate-home
11. Customized your theme.

Thank you (",)


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Hi, this doesn’t seem to work for Dawn theme anymore, do you have any update by any chance?


How do I get rid of the /landing/pages as the home page url?

Nicky Bonin

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