Adding Banner Image To Product Grid In Collection Template

Add Image with Text inside Product Grid in Collection

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How to see the code

1. Please log in/create an account first. This is to ensure that all purchases are connected to an account and can be viewed on different devices.

2. Purchase the code using the "purchase box" on the specific page of the desired code.

3. After the purchase, please refresh the page.

Compatibility: All  Shopify 2.0 FREE themes  ONLY

Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience and promoting your brand. But with so much content out there, how do you make your posts stand out? The answer: visually compelling content!

In this guide, we'll explore various strategies to create eye-catching social media posts that will grab attention and stop the scroll.

You can check the demo store here. Password: made4uo

Why Visuals Matter

People are wired to be visually stimulated. Studies show that visual content is processed faster and retained longer than plain text. So, incorporating captivating visuals into your social media posts is crucial for:

  • Increased Engagement: Eye-catching visuals can spark curiosity and encourage users to stop, like, comment, and share your posts.
  • Enhanced Brand Recognition: A consistent visual style across your social media platforms helps build brand recognition and create a memorable presence.
  • Improved Brand Storytelling: Visuals can evoke emotions and tell a powerful brand story that resonates with your audience.

Types of Eye-Catching Visuals:

There's a wide variety of visual formats you can leverage on social media:

  • High-Quality Images: Eye-catching photos and product images are a staple for any social media strategy.
  • Engaging Videos: Short, informative, or entertaining video clips can capture attention and boost engagement.
  • Compelling Infographics: Infographics present complex information in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format.
  • Creative GIFs and Memes: These lighthearted visuals can add humor and personality to your brand voice.
  • Eye-Catching Carousels: Utilize carousel posts to showcase multiple images or tell a story through a visual sequence.

Beyond the Image: Essential Tips

While visuals are key, a successful social media post needs more. Here are some additional tips:

  • Strong Captions: Craft compelling captions that complement your visuals and tell a story. Use clear calls to action to encourage engagement.
  • Targeted Hashtags: Utilize relevant hashtags to increase the reach of your posts and connect with new audiences.
  • Consistent Posting: Develop a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.
  • Track and Analyze: Utilize social media analytics tools to understand what types of content resonate most with your audience and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Tools and Resources:

There are plenty of free and paid tools available to help you create captivating social media content, even if you're not a design expert. Here are a few to consider:

  • Canva: A user-friendly platform with a wide range of templates and design tools for creating social media graphics.
  • Unsplash and Pexels: Websites offering a vast library of free, high-quality stock photos and videos.
  • Hootsuite and Buffer: Social media management platforms that allow you to schedule posts, analyze performance, and manage multiple accounts.

Why Bother Customizing Your Collection Grid?

Think about the first thing customers see when they check out your store. Yep, it’s your collection grid. Now imagine it looking not just good, but great—with beautiful images, special offers in bold text, and buttons that tempt shoppers to click on them. That’s what our new code snippet can do for you. It’s all about catching the eye and keeping people browsing longer.

What you are buying:

  • Add an image with text and button in the collection grid
  • Image and text will add to the number of products per page
  • Able to customize which page to add and what placement in the grid
  • Option to occupy the grid size or twice the grid size

What makes our code better:

  • We do not use external libraries, with that being said, our code will have no to minimal effect to your website's speed performance
  • We do not leave or add codes use to advertise for our website
  • Our code is mobile friendly

Any issues related to the code will be fix with no additional cost, excluding code customization requests. Simply contact us with "Chat with us." We are just a button away. 

How to Add Image with Text inside Product Grid in Collection

Step #1. Open your code editor

From you Admin page, go to Online store, then Themes. Choose the theme you want to edit, then click the three dots, then Edit code

Step #2. Create a snippet

Open the Snippet folder, and create a new snippet, name it "collection-image-text". Then place the code below. Make sure to SAVE.

Step 3. Open the section file and find the code

Go to the Section folder, and open the "main-collection-product-grid.liquid" file. Find the {%- for product in collection.products -%}, and place the code below.


See image for placement

Image text in collection grid

Step 4. Edit the schema and save

Go to the {% schema %}, and after last square bracket ( ] ), and the code below. Make sure to SAVE.


See image for placement

Collection grid Image text

Curious? Let’s Chat!

If you have a different theme or just have a few questions, don’t hesitate to contact us using "chat with made4uo". We’re here to help make your Shopify store the best it can be, and we can’t wait to get started.


By incorporating these strategies and utilizing the available tools, you can develop a social media presence that pops! With visually compelling content, you'll be well on your way to boosting engagement, growing your audience, and achieving your social media goals. Remember, consistency is key! So, keep creating, keep posting, and keep engaging with your audience to build a thriving online community.

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