Shopify features and tools
How to Add Custom Text field on Shopify Product Page

How to Add Custom Text field on Shopify Product Page

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With the Dawn theme, adding a custom product attribute or textbox was made simple. You can add multiple Shopify UI elements, just make sure the name and ID are unique. Follow instructions below. 

If you have Shopify 2.0 FREE themes , please use our FREE enhanced Shopify UI Elements generator tool

Note: If you have the Dawn-Debut product page, this is also going to work. 

If you have a different theme. This will not be applicable but doable. Send me a message if you need help.

1. Go to Shopify UI elements generator.

2. Choose the line-item-property. Make sure you click the "show at checkout" if you want the information shown upon check-out. Click "copy to clipboard"

3. Go to your Online store > Themes > Actions > Edit code

4. Go to Section folder and open the main-product.liquid

5. Find this code below . It is should be under the "{%- when 'buy_buttons' -%}


For Dawn version 8.0 and above, please open the buy-buttons.liquid under the Snippet folder then find the same code. 

6. Paste the code after the {% form ...... %}. See image below, where to paste it. 



See customize code for custom style.

Add the code in blue to your Shopify UI Element code

For text-short (see image below how it looks):


For text-long (see image below how it looks):




For drop-down (see image below how it looks):


Add a file uploader.

To make the inputs required. You have to find the code below:

Then delete the novalidate: 'novalidate'. Then add the required attribute to your input. 



Other way is to use the Custom liquid block using the Theme editor. 

1. Go to your Online store > Themes > Customize

2. Go to the product template. Under product information, click add a block the find the "custom liquid". 

3. Inside the textbox, place the code you have for the textfield but add the code below in the textarea, or input. Make sure to add the code before ">", see the sample code below


See example below and added code is in bold


That is it (",)  


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Please make sure to use the enhanced Shopify UI element tool


I followed your tutorial for Dawn 13.0 and made it “Required field” for proceeding to add it to cart.
But it doesn’t work for Buy Now button, can you help me? I don’t want customers to proceed without selecting the required fields.

Its working perfect for add to cart but users can directly click on “Buy Now” without filling in the required options



You need to create a product template and edit that template. Please check our video tutorial on how


I’m wanting to add a line item property to one product only, and don’t want it to appear on other product pages. How would I go about doing this? Thanks so much for your awesome tutorials!

Allie Hemmings

Hi Nadia,

We had posted an answer in Shopify community similar to your problem. You can check the solution on the link provided.


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